& Ingwersen, W. National land occupation totals by industry 2012 v1.1. Each NAICS sector was matched by customer type, by aligning the NAICS definition of each sector to the customer type it most closely resembled: The four sectors pertaining to the federal government (S00500, S006000, S00101, and S00102) were assigned to the Federal government customer class; The six sectors pertaining to local governments (GSLGE, GSLGH, GSLGO, S00201, S00202, and S00203) were assigned to the State and local governments customer class; Three sectors (813100, 813A00, and 813B00) were assigned to the Not-for-profit organizations customer class; The F00100 sector was assigned to the Household consumers and individuals customer class; All other industries in the USEEIO model are mapped to the Business firms and farms customer class. Corn products shows a substantial increase in total CRHW relative to similar sectors. The operator is used for elementwise multiplication in contrast with no symbol between adjacent matrices or vectors which denotes a matrix multiplication. To fully meet GHG Protocol standards, an organization must report emissions from all relevant scope 3 categories. Many environmental and employment data sources are available to characterize US industries at the needed level of detail for more recent years. MerckCorporate Responsibility Report Then calculate electricity emissions using emission factors in the EF Hub. You can choose whether functional and advertising cookies apply. In general, the final demand in the BEA Use table can be grouped into the following categories: yg=federal, state and local government consumption. Ingwersen, W. et al. The Use table columns represent the inputs that the IO industries need to produce their output. Learn more about the USEEIO framework to create IO models: application to the DOD and case demonstration on EPAs Science Inventory. The commands for building v2.0 with useeior v1.0.0 along with the results of the validation procedure are shown in a model building and validation document65. As the matrix values are in producer price USD, the values in are commodity-specific producer:purchaser price ratios where a value of c,y is a ratio of year y USD producer price:year y USD purchaser price for commodity c. Margins tables provide values for transportation, t, wholesale, w, and retail, r, specific to each commodity consumed by industries, households or investors. An exponent of 1 represents an inverse. For more information and to download the 2016 report and methodology, see: https://www.epa.gov/smm/2016-recycling-economic-information-rei-report-and-methodology. 32, where the sum of industry value added, w, after normalization and transformation to be in commodity form, multiplied by the total requirements matrix, L, results in ~1 for each sector, i. Environmentally Extended Input-Output Data.EEIO data refers to EEIO emission factors that can be used to estimate scope 1, 2, and upstream Scope 3 GHG Emissions for a given industry or product category.. EEIO data is particularly useful in screening emissions sources when prioritizing data collection efforts. The second ranking is done with Hf calculated where y is the US consumption vector, yc (see Eq. (Cambridge University Press, 2009). WRI's Sustainability Initiative was created to align the Institute's operations with its mission. For the Scrap (S00401) commodity, the entirety of the production value is assigned to the Material separation/recovery facilities (562920) industry, under the assumption that these facilities are the ones responsible for recovering scrap during waste management. United States Environmental Protection Agency, email: It has been subjected to the Agencys peer and administrative review and has been approved for publication as an EPA document. The v1.2 model data used here for comparison were acquired from the USEEIO-API. The values in P are commodity-specific deflation ratios where a value of Pc,y is a ratio of model USD:year y USD for commodity c. Values in P are prepared with Eq. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Equation24 is given below for the commodity form of the model. For the rest of the sectors that produce the 562000 commodities, the following assumptions are made. The composite score for the rankings are calculated as a sum of fractions of sector impact relative to total impact across all sectors by each selected indicator, and then this fraction for a sector was summed across all indicators. for industry i is prepared using Eq. Both versions of sector attribution modeling use the IWMS statistics on water application rates. In order to perform this calculation, the purchase has to be associated with a corresponding commodity in USEEIO. Ingwersen, W., Li, M. & Meyer, D. Commercial Waste National Totals by NAICS and US Satellite Tables for USEEIO. FEDEFL Inventory Methods v1.0.0. Domestic food supply chains freshwater use over time. In flowsa, source classification codes are used to allocation emissions to one or more NAICS through activity-to-sector mapping files. Guinee, J. Handbook on life cycle assessment. Truck transportation, Water transportation, Rail transportation are commodities in set m for transportation). On a Procurement Emissions Factor Set Item record, Sam sets the Economic Sector Category code that helps recognize the economic sector and GHG category combination, and the EEIO specified emissions factor that converts the dollars spent into tCOe. Coverage of these data used in v2.0 is equivalent to that from v1.2 as seen in Table2. The USEEIO v2.0.1411 dataset is the primary data record, and includes the waste disaggregation data inputs, model components, result matrices, price adjustment matrices, and demand vectors, along with supporting metadata including sector, flow and indicator descriptions. JavaScript appears to be disabled on this computer. US Environmentally-Extended Input-Output (USEEIO) is a family of models designed to bridge the gap between traditional economic calculations, sustainability, and environmental decision-making. However, revisions to mappings between SCC codes and sectors, and updates in data collection lead to some notable differences in sector emissions including: Increase in emissions for construction sectors. Increase in particulate matter emissions for livestock production. Article The totals for household, investment, and government consumers in the Use table include consumption of direct imports as positive values. 10. Learn more on the project website. Some changes in HCAN and NCAN result from the inclusion of characterization factors from TRACI 2.1 for metals, which were not included for v1.2. is a commodity x year price type adjustment matrix prepared using Eq. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) https://doi.org/10.23719/1522414 (2021). 44, 21262130, https://doi.org/10.1021/es903147k (2010). There are two exceptions to these allocation values in the Make table row disaggregation. Handbook of methods. zenodo https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6370618 (2021). EPA/600/R-19/092 https://cfpub.epa.gov/si/si_public_record_report.cfm?dirEntryId=347251 (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2019). These coefficients can then by multiplied by the cost of the purchase of interest to get the respective total flow or impact associated with that cost in purchasers price. The GHG Protocol's Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard (Scope 3 Standard) presents details on all scope 3 categories and requirements and guidance on reporting scope 3 emissions. How are emission factors developed? Changes in selection of data sources and methodologies for compiling these into a standard format are described below. This can be represented in unit form in Eq. The BEA Use table reports the data for final US demand by these consumers, grouping them at varying levels of resolution depending on the level of resolution of the Use table (i.e., sector, summary or detail). In v2.0, water for mining sectors is first attributed to 6-digit NAICS using employment data before mapped to BEA industry codes. In the v2.0, methyl bromide/emission/air/troposphere/rural/ground-level/kg has one of the highest CFC-11 equivalents (0.51, sheet C, cell BMV20 of)71 of all flows, and Fresh vegetables, melons, and potatoes shows the highest at 2.4E-5 kg/$. This bundle contains all of the available Global Emission Factors including: Global Electricity Factors, Global Homeworker Factors and Global Hotel Factors at a 10% discount. The resulting coefficients from these calculations can be interpreted as a measure of the environmental intensity of a sector in the year the environmental data are reported, but given in terms of the IO year dollar value. The 2016 values are applied across all years and will be updated in more recent years as new data sets are . Table 1 shows EPA's recommended source of emission factors for each scope 3 category. 2 shows that domestic impacts are indeed a proportion of total impacts, with proportions varying by indicator, due to the degree of requirements being met by processes driving the respective impacts. This report describes the preparation of those factors with a background on the modeling associated with this preparation, and presents extensive analysis of the factors, including supporting equations and results in two appendices. In a default allocation, all columns are disaggregated according to the default percentage values for each of the disaggregated sectors. Official websites use .gov The end products will not just benefit project partners in Georgia, but also include case studies and open-source resources for applying USEEIO in communities across the country. https://echo.epa.gov/trends/loading-tool/water-pollution-search (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2018). The original environmental and employment data were all produced by from flowsa v1.0.126, whereas environmental datasets originally created for v1 USEEIO models5,7 were mapped and reformatted. USEEIO Model Overview and EEIO Primer. Yang, Y., Hawkins, T. & Ingwersen, W. USEEIO satellite files. Processing of Criteria and Hazardous Air Emissions was supported by the office of Fossil Energy (FE) for the United States Department of Energy (DOE), National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) under NETL Contract Number DE-FE0025912. The decline in impact intensity for Tobacco, cotton, sugarcane, peanuts, sugar beets, herbs and spices and other crops is attributed to correcting an error in the v1.2 calculation. Emissions are assigned to industries based on the NAICS reported by each facility to the dataset. Figure 2 shows an example progression over time of improvement and expansion. Out of the total inputs to the waste management industry, 51% is due to value added sectors, with employee compensation being 29%, suggesting that waste management is a labor-intensive sector. Ranking sectors based a composite score of selected total impacts associated with total US demand is used as a means of prioritization in the SMM Prioritization Tools. (Sheet CO2 KWH ELE & HEAT) CO 2 The organization may be able to expand its reporting by estimating these relevant categories in the future, which is recommended to increase completeness. Urban land allocation now includes estimates for urban green areas based on assumptions made by Zeng and Ramaswami37. PubMed Red text indicates an update from the 2018 version of this document. The first complete and peer-reviewed USEEIO model, v1.0, was released in early 2017 and described in Yang et al.2 and related datasets3,4. 58% of the value of the original waste sector is allocated to the intersection of Hazardous waste treatment and disposal with itself, while the Hazardous waste treatment and disposal column contains 89% of the total value of the intersection disaggregation.
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