I am just wondering, if Dr Leafs teachings are wrong, what would you suggest to people who are suffering from mental illness that they should do? 0 likes, 0 comments - EBOOKSTORETZ (@ebookstoretzbackup1) on Instagram: "Backed by up to date scientific research and biblical insight, Dr. Caroline Leaf empowers readers." EBOOKSTORETZ on Instagram: "Backed by up to date scientific research and biblical insight, Dr. Caroline Leaf empowers readers to take control of their thoughts in order to . If the habit is well established, it can take as long as 3 sets of 21 or 63 days to remove a bad habit completely. According to Dr. Caroline Leaf, there is a direct correlation between our thought life and our health. Withoutcritique of scientific theories and findings, we would still be living in mud huts as hunter-gatherers. Since the early 1980s she has researched the mind-brain connection, the nature of mental health, and the formation of memory. I speak life to my immune system. You are love and although I could never earn it, you pour it out in abundance. I disagree with your interpretation of 2 Timothy 1:7, but Im not going to go around in circles restating what Ive already said. So Paul is teaching Timothy that God doesnt make him timid, but full of power, love and self-control. I will add that this is not just a matter of opinion, such as topics like pre-destination or the timing on the second coming, etc. The film reveals our physical health (mental, emotional, and spiritual health included) isnt only left to chance of our DNA and chromosomes. I ALMOST referenced her in a paper I am writing for my English class. Leaf's books and materials are intended to serve as guidelines for managing toxic thoughts, emotions, and bodies and not as a replacement for professional medical advice. At least Im willing to engage in robust discussion and publish all of the comments that come through both supportive and critical. So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner. Caroline Leaf, Switch On Your Brain: The Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health 16 likes Like "We are not victims of our biology. Your brain simply captures what your mind dictates. It flows to every cell in my body, restoring and transforming my health. An individual rain drop has no power on its own, but when it combines with millions of others, it becomes a force of nature, shaping the world! For instance, low gamma waves and high beta waves can be associated with ADHD and anxiety, respectively, while higher theta and alpha waves can reduce generalized anxiety disorder (Dadashi et al., 2015). Caroline Leaf is a self-described neuroscientist. I looked her up and she no longer has that program available, but had replaced it with a neurocycle app for $100. Ive been trying to do some research about Dr. Thank you so much for your time, and I hope youre staying well! Im not an ordained minister or neuroscientist either and people have dismissed my critique based on my perceived lack of qualifications. Thank you. It had bad reviews so I was looking for more information on her. In this revolutionary book, Dr. Caroline Leaf packs an incredible amount of information that will change readers' eating and thinking habits for the better. Your Word has become flesh; for You sent Your Word, Your Son and healed me. She speaks on diverse topics relating to how the mind controls the brain through optimal thinking, and hence improved brain performance. [7] Pitt CE. She never mentioned God or the Bible. Since the early 1980's she has researched the Mind-Brain connection and did some of the initial research back in the late 80's showing the neuroplasticity of the brain. I contend that its very important that were not wilfully ignorant. As for your comment that the way this article is written, it appears that you are more interested in vilifying Dr Leaf than presenting legitimate contradictory evidence youre not the first person to raise that, and you wont be the last. It was not a few words interpreted differently, but the entire presentation. These are issues that I believe attempt to place man in Gods position rather than being the clay and him being the potter, according to the scriptures. If you are considering withdrawing from any medication, please do so under the guidance of a professional as withdrawal can be a dangerous process. Thanks for your comment George. I am happy to drop the issue, as I have said everything, do not feel I have more to say on it and am satisfied with your reply. The Bible is clear, our minds and our thoughts have power. Without critique, how do Christians see both sides of an argument and make up their own minds? I was hoping to read the bibliographies. Fear isnt real, weve made it up She found that toxic thoughts such as stress, worry, unforgiveness, and anger actually cause damage to our brains. You can grow tens of thousands of dendrites on a single cell. In other words, she has no degree or credentials to qualify as such yet this is what she lectures on (Masters in Speech Therapy and Phd in Communication Pathology). But where did you mention the evidence for your arguments against her? I have been an Ernest Christian since 6th November 1989. But that does not mean she enters into the sheep pen by jumping the biblical requirements laid down by Christ and His Apostles. Like her use of science, Dr Leaf often misquotes or paraphrases scripture, or uses it out of context, in order to try and Biblically justify her tenuous hypotheses. God leads, but we have to choose to let God lead. Rather, join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God. (2 Timothy 1:5-8). Retrieved fromhttps://youtu.be/yjhANyrKpv8. Our success lies in our mind. Quantitative Electroencephalography (QEEG) Assessment of the NeurocycleTM. Leaf'steamis not allowed publish theirresearch findings ahead of the peer reviewed journal article, here is some information on theircurrent research. She has helped hundreds of thousands of students and adults learn how to use their mind to detox and grow their brain to succeed in every area of their lives, including school, university, and the workplace. [12] Leaf CM. Rest your hands on your thighs. These toxic emotions can cause migraines, hypertension, strokes, cancer, skin problems, diabetes, infections, and allergies, just to name a few.. While I have been reading her book switch on your brain I did get quite excited about the possibility that the answer was so easy but I also had the check in my spirit or maybe just years of dads words in my ears if it sounds too good/too easy to be true then youre probably right. 8. We should be going from glory, to glory, to glory. If God is our God, we are going from glory to glory, but I do not believe we are capable of always realizing it. Switch On Your Brain, LLC and the author specifically disclaim any and all liability arising directly or indirectly from the use or application of any information contained in these materials. I also know that it only makes one an expert in one very small slice of knowledge. That can change to alollipop within 14 days. During her years in clinical practice and her work with thousands of underprivileged teachers and students in her home country of South Africa and in the USA, she developed her theory (called the Geodesic Information Processing theory) of how we think, build memory, and learn, into tools and processes that have transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), learning disabilities (ADD, ADHD), autism, dementias and mental ill-health issues like anxiety and depression. She frequently lectures toaudiences worldwide, linking scientific principles of the brain to spiritual, intellectual and emotional issues in simple and practical ways. Connect with her atwww.HeatherRiggleman.com or onFacebook. The Jesus Caroline Leaf and Dr. Strydom is proclaiming is NOT the Jesus of the Bible. info on RENEW YOUR MIND page Thought based templates now available for download. PDF SWITCH ON YOUR BRAIN - Christianbook The neurobiology of moral behavior: review and neuropsychiatric implications. Thanks for taking the time to write this healthy bit of perspective that is needed with anything thats posted online these days In the videos I've watched, she has totally twisted Scripture. The Greek word for fear in this scripture refers to timidity, fearfulness, cowardice, not to anxiety or terror. 6:10-11) and be aware of the lies and deception thats creeping into the church and twisting the Truth. Routine screening with the much-maligned pap smear has decreased the death rate from cervical cancer in women by as much as 83% [5]. Thank you, but no apologies are necessary. Im more than comfortable that thoughts dont control matter in any way, and that youre welcome to hold onto whatever opinion you want to. I have listened to a couple of her blogs, but they did not resonate with me. Dr Caroline Leaf has spoken locally several times. With over thirty years in research and study, she delves into Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess with these five simple steps to help reduce our anxieties, stress, and toxic thinking. She has endorsements from Joyce Meyer, Bobbie Houston, and a number of other pre-eminent Christian pastors. There is no better time to introduce these strategies than now. Our church leaders need to come clean about why they publicly endorse Dr Leafs ministry. I am grateful he knows my needs and there is healing happening in my body. Just because you think Dr Leaf is nice and Im not does not make Dr Leafs position right and mine wrong. The mind is what the brain does, and we see the uniqueness of each mind through our gifts. Jesus entered the world to destroy the works of the enemy. Leaf's experience, also see her LinkedIn page. [3] Hunter PR, MacDonald AM, Carter RC. These new branches can be photographed. Switch On Your Brain, 21-Day Brain Detox, Switch On Your Brain 5-Step Learning Process, Metacognitive-Map, and The Metacog are regis-tered trademarks of Dr. Caroline Leaf. debunking dr leaf is here to provide a critical analysis of her teaching, and to present the alternative view. I suppose it is in your book but I dont have it. 1 Chronicles 12:32, And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do . April 5, 2023. There is very little out there in regard to this problem in terms of christian help. She is regularly invited to speak at some of the world's largest churches. Because I based my active reaches on scripture, it had a very positive effect on me. And she continues to top the sales charts of Christian best sellers. Also, I didnt mention whether or not I thought Dr. We would appreciate it if we had readers transcribe the segment for us if possible. 1st ed. If you decide you want to meet with me my goal is to talk about root issues. All rights reserved. Dr. One year subscription is only $29. Ive had just as many people comment that my tone has been very respectful. Something comes up or I get distracted but I see it as a way of God protecting me. Im providing the information that shows that Dr Leafs teaching is unscientific and unreliable so that if people are willing to listen, they will avoid wasting their time, energy and money on unproven claims and false hope. Each of the six factors represents a set of knowledge, attitudes, or behaviors related to self-regulation and control. She proceeded to vet this system throughout her 20 years of clinical experience as a mental health and communication therapist, working with a highly neurodiverse population including patients with learning disabilities, autism, TBI, CTE, PTSD, dementia, and stroke. You can read the introduction to my book on Dr Leaf here: http://www.debunkingdrleaf.com/new-page it is a more in-depth discussion on my work and its context. Teachers were provided with webinars covering the rationale behind and 5-step process of the NeurocycleTM, a tool for mental health detoxing and management. It appears the root issue keeps coming back to Is this the church for me? Steve, if you are still having doubts 4 years into it then maybe the answer is clear. Luke 17:2 While Dr. In my humble opinion, I suggest that Dr Leafs ministry is not based on scientific acumen, but on popularity and reputation. Miraculous Brain - With David Rives and Dr. Caroline Leaf on TBN 12. About Christ and our need for him You can assume my body of work to be nothing more than ad hominem spite if you want. Supported by current scientific and medical research, Dr. Caroline Leaf gives listeners a prescription for better health and wholeness through correct thinking patterns, declaring that we are not victims of our biology. First, understand the triggers and signals for toxic thoughtsthink critically about when, how, and why those thoughts arise. The Bible does not, the psychiatrists who wrote the book say, tell Christians to ignore their pain, deny it, and repress it or paper it over with sunny thoughts. Just like I remind my kids: our thoughts have power. Mind-Mapping approach (MMA); Leaf, Uys, and Louw. This proverb was written as a reminder that what we dwell on becomes reality. Brisbane, Australia: Pitt Medical Trust, 2014. Your email address will not be published. http://drleaf.com/about/dr-leafs-research/, https://cedwardpitt.com/2015/03/26/the-tedx-users-guide-to-dr-caroline-leaf/, http://www.debunkingdrleaf.com/references, http://www.debunkingdrleaf.com/chapter-13, http://www.debunkingdrleaf.com/why-we-re-here, Dr Leaf is contradicted by her own qualifications. But as my first consultant told me, on my very first ward round, on my first day as a doctor, When you assume, you make an ass out of u and me. She is not even subtle about it, and I found her to be the most obvious false teacher Ive ever heard. Hi Dr. Pitt, Rather, our natural instinct is to suppress our own judgement, even when its right, in favour of everyone elses. Login or register to download. She is a communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist specializing in cognitive and metacognitive neuropsychology. Thus, the scripture does not prove that our thoughts define us as Dr Leaf would suggest. Its fine to tear a house down whose foundations you think are not sound. Leaf is also the bestselling author of Switch on Your Brain, Think Learn Succeed, Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess,and many more. Dr Leafs use of this scripture is misleading. Leaf here. Hopefully theyll be less inclined to recommend it to their other patients. I agree wholeheartedly. I copied the link to your TEDx commentary and sent an email to her producer as there was no where else to put it. FURTHER WARNING ON - Christian Answers for the New Age - Facebook Dr. Caroline Leaf | Crossroads Church What people do with that truth is up to them entirely, be it intelligent consideration or arrogant dismissal, or anything in between. Lesion mapping of cognitive control and value-based decision making in the prefrontal cortex. As if thats not bad enough, Dr Leaf also cites biased sources, pseudoscientists, and other sources that directly contradict her assertion [7; Ch 10]. EBOOKSTORETZ on Instagram: "Backed by up to date scientific research Dr. Caroline Leaf is the author of Switch On Your Brain, Think and Eat Yourself Smart, and The Perfect You, amongst many other books and journal articles.Since 1981, she has researched the science of thought and the mind-brain connection as it relates to thinking, learning, renewing the mind, gifting, and potential. Ridiculous. TEDx. You will also learn how to detox . The plans of our sovereign Lord rarely align with our plans, and if we proceed as though they are we will end up off course. . Pray: What a powerful statement that I can say, I am a child of God, chosen before this world was created to do good works for Gods kingdom. Globally, mental health concerns are growing. Verse 2 in the NLV version is especially interesting. Dr. Implementing the LMM through the NeurocycleTM app, the findings of Study 2 found that test-retest reliability for all six LMM subscales was strong and that construct validity existed with established anxiety, depression, and well-being measures. [8] Mendez MF. You grow a dendrite for every concept you learn. According to Christ, His Apostles and God's Holy Word - Dr Caroline Leaf is a fraud. Note that you must not take shortcuts. After attaining her foundational education in the neuroscience of communication pathology, Dr. Its your right. These results strengthen existing research that has established the same relationships. Dr Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist and a self-titled cognitive neuroscientist. I thank you, Abba, that you are my protector. Leaf is teaching at least something of merit that will help people regain control of their egos, take ownership for their behaviours and hopefully lead them closer to God. I will not believe the lies of the enemy; I reject any negative thoughts because we demolish every argument or lie that sets itself up against God. Jesus saidyou shall know them by their fruits She is giving a messgae of hope, what pray tell, are you giving? Dr. Caroline Leafs career as an applied neuroscientist spans clinical, education, field research, and government contract experience. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Reply: COMPASSION IS NATURAL Neuroscience with Dr. Caroline Leaf We have all seen those commercials on TV that show children suffering and in pain, which are designed to appeal to our "humanity" for support. (Im hoping to shoot for a Phd in theoretical math, currently just 2nd year) I was really wondering why I couldnt find her book in a single academic database. Each communication contains a URL that participants use to gain access to the survey. How Prayer Changes the Brain and Body - Renewing All Things KCM Broadcast Notes April 10-14 2023 - God's Miracle-Working WORD. One source didnt even mention the figure she attributed to it. We have been designed to create thoughts, and from these we live out our lives (Prov. Well Ill conclude by offering a piece of worldly advice life is fleeting. We believe that with a little bit of deeper probing,Dr Leaf's claims and hypotheses aren't as strong as they appear. With so many high profile believers publicly losing faith in God, I think as believers we need to ask the Holy Spirit to teach us to discern and test the spirit of any word or doctrine being shared. I would be happy to publish any responses they may be willing to make, complete and unabridged. More and more, people are realizing that beneath the facade of her numerous Instagram posts, happy snaps, and the allure of popular success, Dr Leafs teachings on science and the Bible dont match up with actual science and good theology. As can be seen in the above animation, there are four main parts to a brain cell: The dendrites branch out from the cell body. If you have a medical matter or emergency, please contact a local medical professional immediately. Reduced cervical cancer incidence and mortality in Canada: national data from 1932 to 2006. What Jesus was saying is that our thoughts create feelings, our feelings create actions or inactions, and those actions or inactions create outcomes or circumstances. You mention Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, Hillsong and I have seen Stephen Furtick also interviewed her. Pray: As I lay down my head, I know you help me rest deeply. Throughout this time, Dr. The data collection protocol begins with an email invitation, and non-responders are contacted up to three times by email reminders spaced by 5-7 days each. Managingtoxic thoughts and trauma through the5-step Neurocycle process, 5. No one has yet done that for Dr Leaf.2. Her husband, Mr Mac Leaf, dismissed my concerns out of hand, which only steeled me to take further action. your brain will convince you that your brain can be renewed by the power of god s spirit and biblical truth Dr. Caroline Leaf is a cognitive neuroscientist with a PhD in Communication Pathology specializing in Neuropsychology. Its time we dressed ourselves in Gods glory, not our own ignorance and ignominy. Quantum Physics, no space time dimension. Did she share thought provoking content? March 16, 2015. She has helped patients learn how to use their minds to detox, and grow their brains to succeed in every area of their lives, including schools, universities, and workplaces. This is part of the Jeremiah 17:9 problem. Reggie McNeal Reiling Rev Dr Stephen Robinson Reverend Bill Crews Rev HN Bate Rhona Davies R H . If you support Dr Leafs ministry of false hope, then thats your call. In treatment vs. control comparisons, participants significantly improved on performance of all five brain waves, supporting a likely decrease in anxiety and stress, as well as an increase in relaxation, learning, and autonomy. Ive laid out the truth in a rigorous and defensible way. Sometimes their theology is a little different than ours. We cant keep going down this road every time there is a flare up of differing perspective and/or relational breakdowns. Rather, the authors say, you need to find a . Likewise, its very natural for Christians to believe that Dr Leafs teaching must be ok because our pastors and leaders vouch for it. April 5, 2023. Makes one wonder what your deep seeded motivation is thats driving your relentless and sustained verve to nail Ms Leaf at the cross? The dangers of June Fellhauer's 2018 talk by Caroline Leaf, promoted by And we are not perfect. From our perspective, it is not yet done. She developed the Geodesic Learning theory and the metacognitive-mapping approach (how we think and process information), which has been shown to increase thinking, behavioral and academic performance by 35-75%. . Thank you, you have saved me alot of stress. You say, I still cannot understand what drives you to want to pick apart Carolines work. Caroline Leaf Quotes (Author of Switch On Your Brain) - Goodreads She is one of the most renowned authors and speakers in the western Christian world. Its really good for us to consider all views prayerfully before making up our minds. Leaf has been studying what happens to our brain cells when we think. What, pray tell, are you giving? The truth. Contemplative Spirituality / Meditation / Emerging Church Movement / New Age Spirituality / Theosophy / Occultism / Dutch Reformed Church / Health / Healing / Faith Healing / Medical / Andrew Newberg / Brian Johnson / Caroline Leaf (Dr) / Mark Waldman / Michelle Strydom (Dr) / Stephan Joubert. Think and Eat Yourself Smart Workbook PDF Download Users are invited and reminded to participate in the survey via emails. Healing Begins With Sanctification Discerning the World For a month I tried to work the program which was quite different from the detoxing one. Change you behaviour from praise to worship. I believe ________________ Church owes their followers a reasonable teaching on this issue, and a correction! Shawn Achor For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he Proverbs 23:7, and the 29/5/2015, Mind In Action: Genes cannot turn themselves on or off. Dr. Caroline Leaf is primarily a self-marketing machine who promotes herself through public talks linking brain science to God. Thanks so much for your detailed and balanced critique of Dr. Leafs research and ministry. Dr. Caroline Leaf is an American communication pathologist and audiologist. Results revealed statistically increased levels of awareness, autonomy, and empowerment and significantly decreased toxic mental health factors. And no one wants to say anything, because they dont want to look sheepish (or be ostracised). Thanks for your patience with me and for explaining further. But the information is all out there for you to see if you are willing to look. Begins 8/4/2016 & ends 9/8/2016 To order your books, contact Les'a 520-370-1014. On and on, the same pattern continues. Texas, USA: Inprov, Inc, 2009. Jesus wasnt a Jew, and look how He was torn to shreds because his credibility was questioned. Leaf is currently conducting clinical trials using the5-step program she developed while in private practice to further demonstrate the effectiveness of mind-directed techniques to help relieve mental ill-health problems such as anxiety, depression and intrusive thoughts. When these messages leave the cell body, they travel along axons, jump the synapses and travel into another cell. It's not wrong to critique a Christian leader. It is discouraging and unfortunate that Dr. Toxic Thoughts and Caroline Leaf - God talk This scripture has nothing to do with our mental health. Thats certainly a lot more than most, and Im always grateful for those that do. Imagine Jesus is beside you holding your hands. About six months ago, carolyn Leaf showed up at my church. Please show us the science! Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2012 Sep 4;109(36):14681-6. I have just started reading Switch on your brain but it bothered me greatly when I saw Joyce Meyer endorsed it. Think, Learn, Succeed Curriculum Kit: Dr. Caroline Leaf: 9780801093562 Though what makes this meme such a good example of the weakness of Dr Leafs teaching is not just because its contradicted by actual science, but in trying to justify her conjecture, Dr Leaf has resorted to twisting, misquoting, and generally fudging information from her sources in order to make them support her false conclusions. Since the early 1980s she has researched the mind-brain connection, the nature of mental health. You think, and then you do, which cycles back to the original thought, changing it, and the thoughts connected to it, in a dynamic interrelationship. More of Dr Caroline Leaf - - - Oh, be so blessed! Dr. Switch On Your Brain with the 5-Step Learning Process, http://drleaf.com/download-dispatch/?fn=/Web-page-AA-research-project-3.pdf, http://drleaf.com/assets/files/DrCarolineLeaf_CurriculumVitae1.pdf.

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