Their algorithm automatically flags certain images, but they need to be manually verified. Konstance also learns that one of the kids that Zeno saved the day he died was Rachel Wilson, who was her grandmother. As she puts on the Vizer, she finds herself in the (virtual) Library, and Mrs. Tonight, she helps him to plant a seed in the farm. On Konstance's 276th day in isolation, she reaches for the owl drop box and realizes she's able to grasp on to it, unlike other things in the Atlas. It was said to be a 24-part text that told a big globetrotting tale, full of interlocking subnarratives that borrowed from sources both scholarly and fanciful, mashed up existing genres, played around with fictionality, and may have included the first literary voyage to outer space. Diogenes had claimed that the story behind The Wonders was originally discovered engraved on wood tablets in the catacombs of Tyre. Instead, at the center is a huge circular grounded building. He then has to decide whether to stay there or return home. It depicts a seashore with a donkey nearby, and Anna feels drawn to the allure of distant places as she looks at it. In Vault One, Konstance starts to dismantle her cot. With each assignment, he gets more skeptical of what hes being taught in school and questions the extent to which were failing to understand the impact that human actions have on the environment. Pastor White continues to spend time at Mrs. Boydstuns house. The soon grow larger than their mother and even larger than the oxen, Leaf and Needle. It is very cold, and each morning they are greeted with speeches with anti-capitalist propaganda. He has spent the summer mainly in his bedroom. In the 1400's in Constantinople, Anna is a young orphan girl, and she and her sister Maria work at a convent that serves as an embroidery house run by Master Kalaphates. Human life is fleeting but the memories can live on in the pages or texts of a book, as such, worth preserving. Then make your comparisons to today. There, he learns to code. By now, in the story, Aethon has become a crow and is swept up by a waterspout. If you would like me to review your book, feel free to reach out to me! Today, Konstance notices that Ezekiel Zeke Lee, a boy slightly older than her, seems to be feeling unwell. It's about a character named Aethon who goes on a journey to find a "utopian city in the sky" (the titular Cloud Cuckoo Land). Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr is a historical science fiction novel published in 2021. With her hands bound, he leads her by a rope away from the area. Konstance understands now that situations like this are why her father chose to leave Earth in order to be a part of this mission. When she is done gardening, the boy asks her to read to him. Seeing the domed building at its center, Konstance realizes that Argos is not a ship at all. The next day, Widow Theodora comes back with deadly nightshade for all the women, saying that they will leave their bodies behind in this world. One day, a royal emissary and soldiers shows up at Omeir's family's home. Ilium later develops a treadmill prototype for navigating the map. She then heads to the spot where Elliot Fischenbacher had previously attempted to hack his way out of the ship. Spoiler warning: these summaries contains spoilers. Cloud cuckoo land - Wikipedia She seems unstable and Omeir realizes that she must we weak from hunger. They explain that their lord loves antique manuscripts. Seymour becomes engrossed in watching these videos, neglecting other parts of his life. The Argos / Mission Year 64, Day 276 Inside Vault One. She drops down onto the ground outside, confirming that she's on earth, in Qaanaaq. They reach a cave that serves as the bandits hideout. He is harnessed to a wheel where his task is to walk in circles to turn a stone that will grind up wheat and barley. In this section Aethon-the-donkey describes being ridden by the miller and the son up to a farm. What Does Cloud Cuckoo Land Mean? - Writing Explained However, like the character Aethon who got drunk during a play and was led to believe Cloud Cuckoo Land was real, Anna (at this point) doesnt know yet that it is a work of fiction and that the places and things described are fictional. The redacted documentation in the library regarding the habitability of the planet and the inability of the Argos to survive in space for a long journey indicate that hibernation and preservation were the best hopes for humanity in the face of relentless human-induced climate change. A Jansport backpack sits on his lap. It seems that by the time the Argos mission was being set up, things had gotten truly dire in many places on earth. When Rex sees Zeno, he embraces him warmly. Anna starts reading to Maria the story of Cloud Cuckoo Land to distract her. He sets up traps in the forest, but they continue to be empty. He becomes bored in the utopia because life there is perfect. This chapter opens with an excerpt from Folio M of Cloud Cuckoo Land. The ending of the novel brings this storyline to a crescendo, as the characters are forced to confront the dire consequences of their actions and make decisions that will shape the fate of their world. Idaho State Correctional Institute / 2021 2030. In this section, the goddess asks Aethon about his desire to return home. Finally, as the oxygen reaches 8%, the door to Vault One opens. However, she finds that it is empty. As the preface explains, only a few fragments of words are legible. The road from the testing ground to Constantinople stretches 140 miles. Marias vision seems to clear a little and she feels better for a few days, but soon her vision blurs and her headaches return. However, eleven days into it, their truck is attacked. Konstance retrieves the list of names of the kids from the Librarys records. Also, Im sure I read another book not that long ago with the same plot twist. Konstance figures out that the scan of earth in the Atlas has papered over certain less palatable images of life on earth. She also bought some new electronics with the extra cash she had, though Seymour points out they dont have the Wi-Fi setup to use most of it. In quarantine, Konstance and her parents spend most of their time on their Perambulators with their Vizers on. He forgets to attend the event at the library when they unveil a new book drop that looks like an owl. That night, she falls asleep and Omeir inspects the contents of her bag. Thanks Agustina! She describes it to the library (blue copy with the drawing of a city in the clouds on the cover), but it comes up empty. In this section, Aethon-the-donkey bemoans being beaten by the robbers and forced to carry the saddlebags up the mountains away from town. Outside the city walls, Omeir's oxen both die from overexertion. Join in our commitment to the arts. In class, she gives a presentation about the snowdrop flower (from back on Earth, but her teacher chides her because her presentation was supposed to be about biogeographical indicators on Beta Oph2. The Argos / Mission Year 64, Day 45 Day 46 Inside Vault One. The corporate neglect angle is a good one. She recognizes the name Rachel Wilson from the list its her grandmother. Seymour is a neurodivergent child who befriends a great grey owl he names Trustyfriend. It takes months to teach Anna basic things because she doesnt understand what they are saying, however, Omeir is patient and kind with her. Just before the attack, Anna notices a goatskin codex that she retrieved from the priory. And as always, I wish you happy reading! However, she does find rooms filled with books. By now, there are 33 units built on the Edens Gate property. By 2146, she has a 3-year-old son and is pregnant with another child. When a disease breaks out and sends the crew into panic, Konstances father saves her by locking her in Vault One, the ships intelligence center that operates independently. She is also introduced to she ship's library, assessible via a virtual reality device (Vizer). Theres also a preface that notes that the story consists of 24 folios, the exact order of which is debated by scholars. He and Blewitt are captured by the Chinese (who are allied with the North Koreans) and marched north with other prisoners. Sharif says hes going to give the backpack to the police unless Seymour comes back downstairs. She watches the sunrise. He tells Seymour that he's going to call for medical assistance for Sharif. By the time Zeno gets back home, hes just shy of 20 years old. Next to her, a machine named Sybil gently instructs her to eat, though she declines. On May 31, 2030, he writes to Marian. That night, he tells her about Aethon arriving in Thessaly and peeking into the room of the innkeepers wife, who is rumored to be a witch. Even though it should just dissolve into pixels like everything else in the Atlas, she feels something real and solid there. Meanwhile, Seymour grew up living in a motel with his mother Bunny. On the ship Argos (in the future), Konstance was born in Mission Year 51, and she grew up with her parents who are part of the 86-person population of the ship. The goddess encourages Aethon to keep reading so that he can be free from desire and death. There are many parts of the text that have been added in brackets by the translator, Zeno (including the key part where the goddess produces a rose). He hurriedly tries to repeat her ritual (of undressing and rubbing himself with an ointment, etc.). Konstance asks to be let out, and once again Sybil refuses. While Diogenes addressed the tale to his niece, Diogenes claimed he did not invent the story, instead he discovered it in a tomb in the ancient city of Tyre, inscribed upon twenty-four cypress-wood tablets. At one point scientists must have thought Earth was no longer habitable for the long term, and set up this pod of people so that the species would have a better chance to continue. She spends her time wandering through a simulation of Earth, known as the Atlas, in the ships virtual library. As a neurodivergent child, Seymour does not fit in. However, she warns him that if he reads to the end, then he will truly become free of desire like them and that he will no longer have the hunger inside that humans have. The next day, they see one of Kalaphatess servants quickly pack up the valuables and load them on a donkey. Meanwhile, everyone at the convent talks about the Sultans possible upcoming attack on Constantinople and the fort that hes been building upstream. The Lakeport Public Library / February 20, 2020 6:39 PM. Then, Alex enters the stage as the character of Aethon, a simple shepherd from Arkadia with a ludicrous and incredible tale to share where he travels to a place called Cloud Cuckoo Land. One of them reads to him from Homers The Odyssey, and he listens in rapt attention. They are pressed up against a chainlink barrier as soldiers fire weapons towards them. It follows three sets of characters in different time periods who all come across a (fictional) ancient Greek tale called Cloud Cuckoo Land by Antonius Diogenes. A month later, Anna has been stealing chickens and selling them to collect money to someday buy a blessing to restore Marias vision, but shes only collected a measly six coppers so far. This chapter opens with an excerpt from Folio of Cloud Cuckoo Land. In conclusion, the ending of Cloud Cuckoo Land raises philosophical and existential questions about the nature of existence and the search for meaning in a chaotic and unpredictable world. Nearby (within viewing distance of the library), Seymour Stuhlman, 17, is asleep in his Pontiac Grand Am. She finds Himeriuss skiff and rides out in it. It's a big puzzle that satisfies a reader's quest for answers and meaning across time and space, up to and including the final scene. It turns out to be a small island. That season the family has their most productive harvest since leaving their village. In each characters life Aethon's story gave hope, and provided purpose or prolonging in different forms. He thinks to himself that my best companions cannot speak the same language as me. Instead, the calls a number that is written on the back of a phone that he brought in its the one he was told to dial if theres trouble to contact the Bishop. As Rex drops Zeno off at the airport, Rex gifts him with a Greek-to-English dictionary. From 1972 - 1995, Zeno returns to Lakeport, works on his Greek and takes care of Mrs. Boydstun (who has Huntington's). By now, the siege has been going on for a few days. Carefully, he separates out the leaves and lets them dry. Trees left hind leg seems to be going lame. As she explores his home, she sees that she has a partial view into a wedge of his room. She describes an idyllic commune they all live in together, and she says he can join them once he completes his "task". Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. However, he then sees Marian headed back to the library. It reveals an image of hundred of people holding empty jugs and cans near a water truck. In later years, Anna continues to recite parts of the story to the boys. When they arrive, Seymour presents them each with a hardcover book that contains a translated version of Cloud Cuckoo Land, which he completed based on Zenos translations and with Natalies help. The Argos / Mission Year 64, Day 46 Day 276 Inside Vault One. In Mission Year 64, Konstance is in isolation in Vault One and everyone else is likely dead. Meanwhile, by August 2019, Seymour has now reached out to the "Bishop" and his organization. Suddenly, Rachel interrupts the script reading. While the painting doesnt have much meaning now apart from evoking some feeling of desire for freedom or exploration for Anna, we later learn that it may be a depiction of a scene from the story of Aethon in Diogeness Cloud Cuckoo Land (the part where hes turned into a donkey, escapes from his captors and ends up near a seashore as he searches for a rose that will turn him back). The preface notes that the folios from the second half of the codex are significantly more deteriorated with significant gaps and parts that are illegible. CLOUD CUCKOO LAND by Anthony Doerr RELEASE DATE: Sept. 28, 2021 An ancient Greek manuscript connects humanity's past, present, and future. Your email address will not be published. Meanwhile, Zeno is an old man who is at the library afterhours, leading a group of kids in a rehearsal for a performance of Cloud Cuckoo Land. After they took away his Vizer and Perambulator, he took to trying to destroy the wall of the Argos, imperiling everyone. However, upon inspection, she sees that this parchment is cheap and likely of little value. Earth no longer habitable? Seymour thinks about how he just wanted to damage the Edens Gate offices and now things have gotten out of control. Though it isnt said, its obvious Kalaphates is fleeing and deserting them. The weeks pass, and the siege continues and waves of men are sent in to fight. All of these characters are united through the centuries by a storyCloud Cuckoo Land, a fable written by Antonius Diogenes in ancient Greece about a shepherd who stumbles upon a play and, mistaking the city of the gods on stage for a real place, sets out to find it and live there. He smashes the classroom projector. They cut down the forest nearby. Maria has somewhat recovered, but now she has headaches and bright sunlight pains her. After many days of travel, they arrive at Omeir's home. Meanwhile, Omeir is traveling on the road to Edirne with the other soldiers. Meanwhile, in the city, rumors abound that an attack is imminent and that soldiers are marching their way. Seymour ended up pleading guilty to all the charges, and received a sentence of 40 to life. This. The man agrees, though he clearly believes Omeir to be an imbecile. This time, she notices that it says Translation by Zeno Ninis. He works with Ilium engineers testing the various iterations of the Atlas treadmill and headset. Anna knows she should say something but is too scared to do so. He then shows them that if they enter the owl drop box on the Atlas, then they can revisit the library like it once was when it was still there. Finally, the innkeepers maid, Palaestra, suggests that at midnight, he should try crouching behind the keyhole of the innkeepers wifes bedchamber, where she stores all sorts of magical equipment.

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