Improve your Python programming skills by coding everyone's favorite Windows 3.1 game: Minesweeper. And to really show you those windows side by side, let me use the right click and split vertically option. Now, the fact that I have zero here is responsible to give me only one option of a button to click, and that will be okay. And that will be equal to read size power of two like that. Now we know that we already have an attribute that is called ease mind. And the reason that I'm doing this, it is because the cell count label should be something that is global should be something that is not belonged to the instance level. Jim from JimShapedCoding developed this course. And it might seem like it doesn't do anything to because the sales left amount is not decreasing. And for 1.1, we should be decreasing the x by one, and we should be also decreasing the Y by one. Now pay attention that I call this method. Below is the syntax highlighted version of from 1.4 Arrays. Now a list comprehension means to create a list by a one liner, that is going to immediately take care of something that you want to take care of right now. But whenever you use a list comprehension, and you include inside of that a one liner for loop, then you can use an if statement, that will take care of something that you don't want right now. Contents Introduction Graphical User Interface of the game. So I'm going to Just copy everything from here. Let's also test with some other locations like here, here and here, maybe so now I will try to left click, you can see nothing really happens. And the actions that we want to do here is basically return a single object based on the values of x and y. So I'm going to go ahead and say comment, like call the label from the cell class. And I'm going to think that that's a mine. Then try to use pygame to make your minesweeper even better! And then I'm going to just do something like the following, I'm going to make a list that is going to be called surrounded cells. So we need to somehow write an algorithm that will be responsible to take a couple of cells and turn them into minds. And I'm going to go here and say from T A inter import. So we wanted to place it in the middle of our page, right, so we need to take that value and divide it with two, so the axis x is 720. And now that I have this, then I can just go ahead and run it. So pay attention that you are not calling this method, you are only passing the reference of that method. Therefore, Minesweeper has a provision of using flag to mark the cells, which we know contains a mine. So let me show you in a separated window, why that's going to be helpful having such a method. So we said that at the beginning, self dot sale button object is equal to none. And then I'm going to say c two dot Create button object, and it's going to be center frame again. A clone of the original minesweeper game with many added features, Proof of concept for using TensorFlow to improve AI at this Minesweeper game. So I execute the game here, you can see that again, we have the x's, x and y values. The terminal becomes crowded as we keep on printing stuff on it. Obviously, I'm going to change those back to zero and continue from here. And let's go ahead and check if this is going to fix the bug for us. I think if I was to change this to something like two, then I will receive the options of yes, no and cancel something in that kind. So first one is going to be self dot x minus one, the second value is going to be self dot y minus one like that. But let's say that we'd like to have a button that we wanted to start here. So we can see that here, we assign events for left click, and for right click. So if we try to launch our game, then let's try to click on some places here, like here, in as well as there. And then we went ahead and we assign this to a button object that is coming from here. So that's a great starting to prepare the algorithm that we want to write to have the Minesweeper game. But in the background in the original code, we really have two frames, I mean three frames, okay, so until this point, we know that we have a frame here. So if we click here, you can see that this yet works great. And now I can really start using it in our original project meaning in the file, so I can go ahead and import all the utils file as well I can say import utils. The game is fully implemented using Object Oriented Programming. If I was only passing your five, then it will generate 0123 and four like that. So the expected reaction here is whenever we click left click excuse me on their cell, then we should be displaying a number, which that number will represent how many minds there are surrounded that cell. Add a description, image, and links to the Aftermath of few hours of creating a game of Minesweeper. In each iteration of the loop, the Minesweeper grid must be displayed as well as the players move must be handled. So that we will have a frame that will be dedicated for our game, right. Donations to freeCodeCamp go toward our education initiatives, and help pay for servers, services, and staff. So it's important to handle this situation with something that we can do just right now, because that is a bug in our game. Now we really start to have a real game going on. So I'm going to go ahead and say cell count label is equal to none. self.mines contains a set of all cells known to be mines. If you can win this Minesweeper game it is quite important. And so it means that we have six times six cells. As we mentioned before, there are two kinds of player input : In a normal kind of move, the row and column number are mentioned. Alright, so now that we understood this, then I'm going to move all those lines of code into a separated method so that we could have a property that is going to represent the surrounded sales object. And that is just the color that you see in the beginning, right the kind of gray color. So that's how the place method works, we need to specify the pixel value four axis x and axis y. We count the number of cells, that are not empty or flagged. Now I'm going to grab those arguments and pass in the same changing this method to greet as well. This text here is used to be at column zero, row zero, but this one used to be placed at column zero row one and that is the reason you see the second button under the first button. minesweeper minesweeper-game minesweeper-python Updated And that's going to be how to automatically open the surrounded cells in case we see the number of zero when we click on some cell. But that is not exactly the case you will. In the Sentence class, complete the implementations of known_mines, known_safes, mark_mine, and mark_safe. Perfect job, we brought everything that we need. And so you can see that here we have a one. And then if the click cell is a mind, then I want to start taking several actions. So I'm going to use here a comment that will say, replace the text of cell count label with the knee word count, something like that. Whether the cell to be flagged is already displayed to the player. Because think about the situation that we clicked here, right? Nice code, you could make it more detailed for it to be easier for the user to play, this can be done with something called pygame check it out (, download a couple of projects off there and look at its code. So I'm going to go ahead and say def, create cell count, labeled. Python AlzyWelzy / minesweeper Sponsor Star 0 Code Issues Pull requests Uncover hidden mines with Python's Minesweeper game board object. Now, the entire area here is 1400 for the because that is the axis x and axis, y is 720 pixels. 10 hours ago. And as well as writing all the methods that will be responsible to write the logic of our Minesweeper game. So I'm going to scroll here, and I'm going to say from TK inter Import button and label as well. Now we'd also like to pass in here text equals to mine sweepable. So I'm going to pass in here nine temporarily just to see how that is going to work. Now as we know constructor is a metal that is going to be called immediately once a class is being instantiated. And then I'm going to execute our game, run the program. Now, if you never heard about static methods, then there's actually an episode about static methods in the Python op series that I published recently on my channel. Because that's going to be helpful to see in what situation of game we are currently at. And I just want to be seeing the length of the minds meaning the amount of minds that I have, whenever I click on a cell, so that is just going to be a great test for our game. So for example, I could temporarily only execute the file and just test my function, I could go ahead and try to call it and passing il 25. and validate that I will really receive 100 ad back. Now creating hard coded 36 cells or 49 cells, basically just a huge amount of sales is going to be hard. So what that means it means that if I was to go and open it, then you can see I receive a number back. Alright, so now that we have done this, then we need to understand that we are going to have some problems in the future, if we will keep using that placement or in order to place our elements. And you can see that now I have way more friendly objects in here, you can see that we have perfect result. So now that we have done this, then we can allow ourselves to first print it to see if we have done a great job right. As we can see clearly, any number on the grid denotes the number of mines present in the neighbouring eight cells. And now that we have done this, then I'm going to pass in the location argument. Therefore, we could write a logical expression like the below to indicate that one of the neighboring cells is a mine. And then I can keep working with my button object thanks to the attribute With a sine wave that I have done here, right, so I can go down and I can say c one, dot cell btn object, dot place like that. So for example, if we want to place a button right there, then we can say that we'd like to greet that, and then give it some values that will be considered as the column number and the roll number. So I can say utils dot height brct and pass in here 25%. And we could have a function that will calculate the percentage amount of our height. And I'm going to say I am right click, so we can differentiate between the two. So now that we have done this, then let's go ahead and as well as return the label object that we have here. And it is going to pull the three objects like expected 1.0 0.1, and 1.1. And let me clean everything that I draw here and go back to Python and give here the values of x equals to zero and y equals to zero.

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