we love u, Mi corazn est destrozado junto con el de ustedes soy madre tambin, no imagino el dolor y la impotencia tan grande que toda tu familia est sintiendo en este momento tu hijito es un claro ejemplo para que todos los padres hablen con sus hijos, los valores van desde casa y no podemos permitir que nuestros hijos humillen, agredan o se burlen de otro de alguna forma. Just now I heard the very sad news, my heart is heavy, and I send my deepest condolence. Que la vida de ningn inocente ms tenga que ser arrebatada por el bullying y el desamor de otros. DIOS DICE -Son y seguiran siendo unos buenos Padres simplemente se esforzaron y la dieron toda con su hijo . Que Dios te tenga en su amor infinito y que tu pena se haya transformado en alegria eterna. I am so sorry that your son felt this was his only solution. No services have been planned at this time. Drakye, from what i can see was such a bright soul and that is something you carry for the rest of y'all lives. Visitation will be held on Thursday, December 8, 2022 from 1:00 PM until 5:00 PM at Doby Funeral Home. Sending love and support to your family in this time of need. You can remember him and only that hes goneor you can cherish his memory and let it live on. Miro a mis hijos, pienso en ese ngel y se me encoge el corazn, pero acordarme de l me dar fuerzas para afrontar muchas cosas. So many hearts are broken and souls shattered by the pain you endured. Muchas veces, en la vida, las circunstancias nos superan, se descontrolan y no podemos hacer nada para evitar que nos ocurran adversidades. I pray for peace and healing to come to you. God bless you all. Read Jasper Mcmillian's Obituary. Mi mas sentido psame. His beautiful blue eyes radiating with joy. Perhaps this angel flew to his place of peace very soon, but he moved the world with his mission, and in America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania we met him and we will defend his purpose and that of his family. Im very sorry for your great lost. Sending you all our love, thoughts, and well wishes at this deeply saddening time. Doby's Funeral Home 1382 N Main St, Raeford, North Carolina, 28376, United States (910) 875-4136 Send flowers. Descansa en paz ngel de luz.. fuerza a toda tu familia.. dales fortaleza para seguir adelante.. bendiciones. Mis mas sinceras condolencias por su prdida. Dios te tenga en su gloria eterna. Know that all my thoughts are with you. Como madre, puedo decir que es algo de lo que ninguna madre quisieramos pasar, lamento profundamente lo sucedido, esta tragedia me ha conmovido tanto, que solo de pensar en lo que quiz t nio senta me parte el alma, ningn nio, joven o adulto debera pasar por esto, es algo que a nadie se lo deseo y solo espero que esos nios con un corazn sucio, un corazn negro comprendan el dao tan grande que les ha causado a ustedes como familia y recapaciten sobre lo que ellos le hacen a los otros nios, desde Tegucigalpa, Honduras te envo mi solidaridad, un abrazo inmenso de madre a madre y espero en Dios que les de fortaleza para poder soportar tanto dolor.. Saludos cordiales. Many children talk with their parents about this, some of them dont know how to do that. Drayke is in my families prayers. Vuestro hijo es un heroe y jamas sera olvidado porque permanecera para siempre en nuestros corazones . Debemos luchar fuertemente para terminar con el bulling y comenzar a aceptarnos entre nosotros. You unfortunately ran into some cruel evil people who didn't know what love is! When we knew abou it, we felt sorrow and mourned with you, we concerned and prayed for you and for the kids who are suffering of bullying. Be strong, I know you will be. Y tambin al igual que Draike oculte gran parte de mis sufrimientos a mis padres, no quera cargarlos con problemas, ya tenan suficientes para m. I can not fathom the pain you are feeling. Desde tan lejos envo mi ms sentido psame a toda la familia y mucha fuerza para superar todo el dolor que sents ahora mismo y que el tiempo os pueda ofrecer ese consuelo para poder seguir viviendo. Mis pesames y condolencias para la familia. A new star brighting on the sky Sending so much strength and prayers to you all. As a father and as a family we feel identified with you, my children have also suffered from bullying and we are working to improve the situation of my children, my children's classmates and also the whole school. Un fuerte abrazo para cada persona que tuvo la suerte de conocer y compartir su vida con Drayke. Truly my most sincere and heartfelt condolences to the parents and sisters of Drayke, as a mother I know that you feel the pain for the death of a child, and I also know what it is to fight against bullying to protect your other child. Lamento que esta sociedad te haya matado. Read Lonnie Baldwin's Obituary. Ruego a Dios que sane y de paz a sus corazones con alguna seal de que nuestro Drayke se encuentra bien y a salvo de cualquier dolor. Un abrazo carioso a los padres de Drayke y sus hermanas que estn sufriendo est dolorosa perdida. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Beautiful Drayke you left so many lessons on earth that hurt the heart so much. To send flowers to Doby Funeral Home please visit our To the family, I want to say that I hope that you find strength and peace to cope with this difficult process. Mis sentidas condolencias a todos la familia. I am so sorry your baby boy, and your family had to go through such pain. My Son and I were Both bullied in school. My heart breaks for each of you x. El resto de sus das. Dios este con ustedes . you are so amazing and have such a beautiful soul! Forever You've changed something in my heart. I just want to send a big hug for all of you and I really hope you can find the strength to keep going. Est terrible perdida jams debi suceder. I understand as I tried to take my own life, but God told me it was not my time, but I know you're pain and no one can understand when you're done. Much love and prayers for you and your family.. Tengo un beb de 1 ao lo pido por Drayke, por mi hijo y por todos los nios, que nadie ms tenga que pasar por eso por favor. Ar deis D go raibh a anam. May you be the guidance of your family in the mission of spreading love and kindness all around the world. Drayke, dale la fuerza necesaria a tu familia para poder seguir adelante siempre. Pido a Dios que en su amoroso regazo acoja a su familia y los llene de fortaleza, consuelo y resiliencia. . April 23, 2023 Mandales muchas fuerzas!!! What a sadness! May he rest in sweet paradise. Read Carolyn Smith's Obituary. Voy a orar por tu Alma para que descanse en paz y pueda reunirse nuevamente con tu familia cuando llegue el momento. I am so heartbroken along with all of you ! O bem maior que todo mal. He was so beauty, i do not understand what words they said to him for this angel to make this decision.RIP. I will do everything I can to make this world a better place. Entre lgrimas an sigo sin entender cmo se puede destruir una vida. El ya descansa en paz, en el cielo nadie lo har sentir mal. Vamos a pelear para que ningn nio ms sufra de bullying. Les envo desde lo profundo de mi corazn todo mi amor, espero que unidos puedan de a poco superar esta enorme prdida. Desde las islas canarias. May God give you strength during this difficult time. I have wept a tear since and cannot stop thinking how full of life he was. This should not happen. Please God keep your arms around Draykes Dad, mom, sisters, all his family and all his friends. Ms. Mable Fairley departed this life on February 20, 2023. i came across your page and post on instagram and i can say this has touched my heart so much, its so sad that an 12 year's old who had a whole life ahead of him and was so handmade had to end everything over some bullies, words hurt people and can make an effect on these kids life, stop the bullying, i can't imagine the pain your family is feeling, im prayin you get strength and peace to cope with this lost, all i can say as a person is keep fighting and do it for your son!! Please please please do not blame yourself. To all the family, I was heartbroken to read your story. Yo entiendo su gran angustia, pues mi hija fue golpeada severamente por un compaero de escuela y los maestros evitaron que yo pusiera una denuncia. I pray you get the acceptance you may need at this time. God bless you. No hay palabras. Fly high and always know you are loved. I am very sorry for your loss, this beautiful kid will be for ever in our memory, can not understand many things, but something I know that Jesuschrist and our Heavenly Father are merciful and now They are with you and with Drayke. Su nio ya es un ngel que los acompaar y cuidar por siempre. I ask for peace for the dear boy, peace, comfort and strength for the whole family. I don't know you or your family personally but I saw your story on Facebook and after reading it I just had to know who you were. Hoy Dios les dice a cada uno de ustedes es muy dificl l sabe el por que de absolutamente todo . My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time ofbereavement. I'm sorry that you have missed the opportunity to see him grow into a man and thrive at life. Graveside service will be held on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 at 1:00 PM at Freedom Chapel Church Cemetery. I'll never forget that sweet face now that I've seen it. Se por lo que estn pasando. Pequeo! Mucha fuerza y mucho amor! Mis mas sinceras condolencia, por su hijo Drayke, es muy lamentable que esto este pasando, un nio tan tierno y dulce, a sus Padres y familia, que Dios y la Virgen , le den consuelo. We don't know each other but Drayke's story has touched my heart and I just had to reach out. Doby Funeral Home will continue to provide professional, dignified and compassionate service throughout this pandemic. i am a small candle business owner and would b honored to send you some spring candles.. pls send me an email when you get a chance and I'd love to help in anyway I can.. sending much love and hugs, God is with you, I'm with you!!! I just hope that you find solace in the fact that he knew YOU loved him. She will care for Drayke. Pero sobre todo pido por los padres de esos nios para que les enseen el respeto hacia al prjimo. Your son had a loving family and I am sure that he felt that. Rest in peace beautiful angel, your life will be remembered with so much love. I can only tell you that grief will be hard this is a very hard process for Mom, Dad and siblings, I'm still in a lot pain and denial. He is watching over you now and your beautiful family. No hay palabras para la familia que logren dimnensionar la perdidapero al resto de la humanidad si solo BASTA hasta cuando haremos crecer a nustros nios en un mundo superficial lleno de maldad y rivalidad..que la muerte de su nio bello no sea en vano aun podemos hacer que triunfe el amor en el mundo. Only, I can send to your family all my love. Desde Argentina todo el apoy. Drayke will be remembered for a lifetime. May he rest in love . My hearth is broken, I hope that all the family find peace, And I commit my self to teach every single day of my whole life my daugther be a good and cain person, this beggins with us teaching love to them, MIS CONDOLENCIAS PARA LA FAMILIA DEL PEQUEO DE OJOS INCREIBLESMUCHO DOLOR SIENTO POR LA PRDIDA DE VUESTRO HIJO.UN ABRAZO DESDE EL CORAZON. DESDE VILLA GESELL ARGENTINA, Out prayers and love all sending to you in this moment in such pain, I ccried still because Im mom and I couldn't imagine living something like this. You guys are loved and thank you for being so open and sharing your story. Mi ms sentidas condolencias. Words cant describe how much painful to see this happen. Pequeo ngel, no encuentro palabras para el dolor que siento en el alma. O mal enseados que solo buscan hacer sufrir a alguien mas. Radney Funeral Home - Mobile Shirley Ruth Ardion Doby, 79, was born August 12, 1942, in Mobile, Alabama to the late Neson Ardoin and Lucy Lee Kelley Blackerby. Que el Seor les otorgue consuelo y fortaleza, que lo reciba a Drayke en Su Reino. I am so very, very sorry for your loss. My prayers surround you every night. My heart breaks for your family. I cannot even begin to imagine the pain and hurt they're experiencing right now. I will pray for your family and for a better world. How brave as parents and family have wanted to share the painful story of their little Drayke. I hug you from a distance with much love, feeling your pain as mine, God give you the strength and comfort in this difficult, very difficult moment. I'm so sorry for your loss. I don't have the words but I promise you on this side of the world we will spread kindness on behalf of your name. Sin conocerlos, los acompao con mi ms sentido psame y les envo mis carios y fortaleza, Que brille para l pequeo Drayke la luz que no tiene fin . I pray for peace and comfort to eventually surround the family. I can't imagine the size of the pain your heart feels, but I pray to God to make you strong so that life is not so sad to live. May his story bring more awareness to every child going through bullying to speak up, to every bully to STOP and realize it's wrong and to every parent to be more involved and teach their children to be a kind human. . I hope you're watching over your loved ones, with the angels up above. A few days ago, my mom went on a trip to heaven. Estoy en algn lugar estoy. I suffered bullying when I was little. From this day forward, I am going to promise myself to do as you did: see the world the way you saw it; live, laugh, and love with the people I care about; treat others kindly (I know you would have hugged the girl that was crying when I was in the store the other day. No one will forget you and your memory will live forever! Our deepest condolences to you during this imaginable time. Te amamos pequeo Drayke hasta el infinito y mas alla Descansa en paz beb, ojal algn da el mundo este libre de maldad, mis condolencias a su familia. Laugh at all the memories of the silly things he did. May His Shalom be granted to you and your family continuously. Thank you for being a warrior and for teaching us kindness. Tiene todo el apoyo y la fuerza que todos les podemos dar ahora mismo. Les pido que observen y miren este caso. Your son sounds like a wonderful young man. Visitation will be held on Thursday December 8 2022 from 100 PM until 500 PM at Doby Funeral Home. Prepare a personalized obituary for someone you loved.. December 1, 1933 - It has to stop, and Drayke may have inspired people to take the issue more seriously. #STOPBULLYING. Deepest condolences to you all at this sad sad time.Carry his light with you forever and his memory in your hearts. Mi ms sentido psame, Dios les de sabidura y la paz en sus corazones. Vuela alto pequeo ngel y brndale a tu familia el consuelo para que puedan llevar adelante sus vidas sin ti. May your blue eyed baby Rest In Peace, may God guide you and be with you every step of the way. Recordare esos ojos azules, esa mirada tan tierna. may god wrap his arms around your family at this sad sad time. DONALD DOBY OBITUARY. #bekindalways. Te acaricio cada vez que comienza a doler. Desde la parte mas austral de America, un abrazo para ustedes y toda mi solidaridad. I am so so sorry that your beautiful boy had to endure that pain. I'm so sorry you had to go through such a traumatic experience. Esto nunca debe volver a suceder a ningn nio del mundo. Hold onto those memories. I am so sorry. I know that despite this pain will never pass, I sincerely thank you for making us part of your pain and making us see that this cannot and should not happen again to any child or girl of the world. Oraremos por su alma, que descanse en paz, que se haga justicia. Sending so much love and strength to your family. Esto debe parar, debe detenerse algn da. after reading this story i can't get it out of my head, what a absolutely gorgeous boy no family so go through this. Platt's Funeral Home Frederick Alan Trest, MD Age 81 Fred Alan Trest, M.D, age 81, passed away peacefully surrounded by his family on April 25, 2023. Maybe this is just not their path right now but we were blessed for just a short amount of time to be their earth mums and now their heavenly mums. There isn't a day where I am thinking about you and your family. I just saw this post about your son's death and omg I couldn't hold my tears . Sending love, prayers and above all, kindness. Pequeo y fuerte Drake sers siempre importante en nuestros corazones. Sending love and prayers to your family. Le pido a Dios les de mucha fortaleza en estos momentos de dolor. I am hugging you with my prayers. Su hijo estar en mis oraciones junto con ustedes. He is with you and in your heart. Because of you, I have more of a prompting to let others know that they do not have to grieve alone. There are no words for such an unimaginable loss. As someone with sibling I can't imagine what your other children are going threw as well as you guys. My heart is with you all. Vuela alto prncipe de los cielos. God is with you, bringing peace in the midst of chaos. He will be remembered forever, he will be loved forever. I am sending you all so much love and prayers. I can see why you are very proud of your son. And I'll definitely pay it forward and do something in honor of sweet Drayke's life. Why him? Mucha fuerza desde nuestro ncleo familiar. I can't even imagine how can you struggle through your pain in this moment. No services have been planned at this time. Your story and legacy has spread so far and wide. I cannot tell you how sorry I am for the loss of your child. I don't know this family personally but I just know it was a good family. I saw your story shared on Facebook and it just completely broke my heart. Fly high Drayke and hopefully there are no more cases that stop this madness!!!! Pido a Dios para que los nios dejen de ser tan crueles y entiendan que al dar amor se recibe amor. Desde aqu mandamos todo el amor y cario. He is flying high with our Almighty God and is in the best hands possible. Permanezcan unidos, fuertes, como familia unida. His short time on the Earth was enough for him to leave a lasting legacy that has reached people from around the world. I cannot even fathom the pain Drayke was feeling and the pain you're currently experiencing. I have an 11 year old son who reminds me of your son. Obituary: Marcia Ann (Bailey) Blanchard - Portland Press Herald Kimberly Carthens departed this life on Tuesday April 25 2023 in the comfort of her home.She leaves to cherish her memories Her father G.B. Hasta luego pequeo angel ! Mis condolencias a esta familia. When you look at the sky on a clear night, look for him in the stars, he will be the brightest. Hey boy, I just want to say that I'm sorry you didn't deserve anything of what you recieved from this ugly kids. Thanks for sharing your family's story it really opened my eyes and now I want to protect my child even more . She was preceded in death by her husband, Obdulio Carrion; two sons, Stanley Principe, and Dennis Carrion, Sr. Isabel was a loving mother, and grandmother. I have never seen this boy in my life but from all of the stories I've heard and the pictures I've seen he looks like the kindest soul. I just wanted to give my sincerest condolences. Condolences to you and your family. It made me reach out to you. Please also know that my thoughts and prayers are with you both and with your other children during these times of sorrow. Your heart can be empty because you cant see himor you can be full of the love you shared. Hola les doy mi sincero pesa a su padres y Hermana nunca van estar solos el vas estar siempre con ustedes en el corazn, I have never once meet this boy but from what I have heard we have lost a beautiful soul but heaven has gained another angel. These things don't have to happen. Lo siento profundamente y los abrazo con el alma ,Drayke los va a acompaar desde el cielo porque es un ser de luz !! Drayke, ahora es un angelito en el cielo de donde cuidara de sus padres y hermanas, un abrazo fuerte para la familia,no hay palabras que puedan llenar sus corazones tristes y rotos ,pero DIOS dara la fuerza de seguir adelante y que puedan a ayudar a otros nios no pasar por esto. May we always take care of ourselves and each other. As a mother of a 12 year old and of four children my heart truly goes out to this family.
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