In virtue of the covenant their lives were secured; but for their duplicity Joshua cursed them, and condemned them to be bondsmen, "hewers of wood and drawers of water for the house of my God" (Joshua 9:23), "for the congregation and for the altar of the Lord" (Joshua 9:27 the King James Version). Now their cities were Gibeon, Chephirah, Beeroth, and Kiriath Jearim. "city of forests," a city given to Judah, then to Benjamin. Joshua 10:5 Therefore the five kings of the Amorites, the king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of Jarmuth, the king of Lachish, the king of Eglon, gathered themselves together, and went up, they and all their armies, and encamped against Gibeon, and made war against it. Judges 18:12 They went up, and encamped in Kiriath Jearim, in Judah: therefore they called that place Mahaneh Dan, to this day; behold, it is behind Kiriath Jearim. Gibeon is a city in Israel about five miles northwest of Jerusalem. The laws of hospitality today do not compel the entertainment of strangers who arrive after sunset. The return distance between Jerusalem to Gibeon is 152 Km. Judges 19:16 Behold, there came an old man from his work out of the field at even: now the man was of the hill country of Ephraim, and he sojourned in Gibeah; but the men of the place were Benjamites. Although the name, which appears to mean. This eventful battle of Beth-horon sealed the fate of all the cities of Southern Palestine. There is a Wely or sanctuary of the saint, and round about are scores of very curious and apparently ancient graves. All their cities throughout their families were thirteen cities. 1 hr 29 mins. Zorah (now Sara`), Eshtaol (now Eshu`a) and Beth-shemesh (now `Ain Shems), are all within sight of each other close to the Vale of Sorek. Among the Amarna tablets is a letter from Adoni-zedec (q.v.) /hebrew/1393.htm - 6k, 2521. An old man from Mt. 2 Samuel 2:13 Joab the son of Zeruiah, and the servants of David, went out, and met them by the pool of Gibeon; and they sat down, the one on the one side of the pool, and the other on the other side of the pool. Judges 20:9 But now this is the thing which we will do to Gibeah: we will go up against it by lot; Judges 20:10 and we will take ten men of one hundred throughout all the tribes of Israel, and one hundred of one thousand, and a thousand out of ten thousand, to get food for the people, that they may do, when they come to Gibeah of Benjamin, according to all the folly that they have worked in Israel.". An attempt to settle the quarrel, by means of 12 champions on either side, failed, as each man slew his fellow, and the 24 perished side by side. (Note: There is no force in the objection brought by Bertheau against this view, viz., that "it is a priori improbable that the Philistines who were fighting against David and his forces, whose base of operations was Jerusalem, should have taken possession of the whole line from Gibeon to Gezer," as the improbability is by no means apparent, and has not been pointed out by Bertheau, whilst the assumption that Jerusalem was David's base of operations has no foundation whatever. He will punish them for their sins. Obviously he could never be content with a second place. Three days later the deception was discovered and the wrath of the congregation of Israel aroused. 1 Samuel 26:1 The Ziphites came to Saul to Gibeah, saying, "Doesn't David hide himself in the hill of Hachilah, which is before the desert? /hebrew/1391.htm - 6k, Gibeon. Joshua 24:33 Eleazar the son of Aaron died. "Joshua struck them from Kadesh-barnea even as far as Gaza, and all the country of Goshen even as far as Gibeon." (Joshua 10:41) 8. Apart from the trip distance, refer Directions from Jericho to Gibeon for road driving directions! (See RSV). The word means "a hill" and hence may easily be confounded with a common name as when it simply designates a hill as in 1 Sam. They entered the city and sat down in the street. Joshua 10:41 Joshua struck them from Kadesh Barnea even to Gaza, and all the country of Goshen, even to Gibeon. (BBE NIV), 2 Samuel 20:8When they were at the great stone which is in Gibeon, Amasa came to meet them. In ancient times, it was a Hivite city; after the conquest of Canaan, Gibeon came under the control of the tribe of Benjamin and became a Levitical city. How to find the map for the shortest distance from Jerusalem to Gibeon? David wants the center of Yahweh worship to be in the capital at Jerusalem, not in some priestly town. Gibeah is mentioned in the description of the Assyrian advance on Jerusalem (Isaiah 10:29).2. That the Lord appeared to Solomon the second time, as He had appeared unto him at Gibeon.3. What is the return distance between Jerusalem to Gibeon? The rest of the Canaanites resented the defection of the Hivites which so greatly weakened the forces for defense, and, headed by Adoni-zedek of Jerusalem, they assembled to wreak vengeance on Gibeon. About a hundred paces from the village to the East is a large reservoir with a spring. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS RSV NIV), 2 Samuel 2:24But Joab and Abishai pursued after Abner: and the sun went down when they were come to the hill of Ammah, that lies before Giah by the way of the wilderness of Gibeon. Driving Distance. The latter believed that Saul's desire was to destroy them utterly. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS RSV NIV), Jeremiah 28:1It happened the same year, in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah, in the fourth year, in the fifth month, that Hananiah the son of Azzur, the prophet, who was of Gibeon, spoke to me in the house of Yahweh, in the presence of the priests and of all the people, saying,(WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS RSV NIV), Jeremiah 41:12then they took all the men, and went to fight with Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and found him by the great waters that are in Gibeon. It is also memorable for two scenes in the life of Joab, 2 Samuel 2:12-32 20:8-12 Jeremiah 41:12. This points to their employment in the sanctuary; and possibly may shed some light on the massacre of the Gibeonites by Saul (2 Samuel 21:1 f). 1 Chronicles 8:29 In Gibeon there lived the father of Gibeon, Jeiel, whose wife's name was Maacah; (WEB JPS ASV BBE NAS NIV). But it is open to doubt whether the reputed site of their day had any serious claims. Its inhabitants submitted voluntarily to Joshua at the time of the Israelite conquest of Canaan (Josh. You can also find the distance from Jerusalem to Gibeon using other travel options like bus, subway, tram, train and rail. Map from Gilgal israel to Gibeon. 1 Chronicles 21:29 For the tabernacle of Yahweh, which Moses made in the wilderness, and the altar of burnt offering, were at that time in the high place at Gibeon. How far is Gibeon from Gilgal israel? Nehemiah 7:25 The children of Gibeon, ninety-five. It is named in the group containing Carmel, Ziph and Kain; it is therefore probably to be sought to the Southeast of Hebron. Judges 20:43 They surrounded the Benjamites, chased them, and trod them down at their resting place, as far as over against Gibeah toward the sunrise. Transliteration: Chelqath Hatstsurim Phonetic Spelling: (khel-kath' hats-tsoo-reem') Short Definition: Helkath-hazzurim. What is the road driving distance between Gibeon to Jerusalem? and smote the Philistines from Geba until thou come to Gazer; or from Gibeon, as in 1 Chronicles 14:16; a city in the tribe of Benjamin, near to which this battle was fought, and where the pursuit began, which was carried as far as Gazer, a city that lay on the borders of the Philistines, as Josephus says (b); and so far they were pursued, and were smitten as they fled; and, according to Bunting (c), it was a space of eighteen miles. The distance between Jerusalem to Gibeon is 152 Km by road. Judges 20:14 The children of Benjamin gathered themselves together out of the cities to Gibeah, to go out to battle against the children of Israel. Judges 20:37 The ambushers hurried, and rushed on Gibeah; and the ambushers drew themselves along, and struck all the city with the edge of the sword. It occurs, however, in two instances, as a place-name. . This is the home of the Hivites or the Gibeonites, who deceived Joshua. You can also find the distance from Jerusalem to Gibeon using other travel options like bus, subway, tram, train and rail. The Sanctuary:Gibeon was the seat of an ancient sanctuary, called in 1 Kings 3:4 "the great high place." There Joab treacherously slew that unsuspecting general, and, himself assuming command, stamped out the rebellion with his accustomed thoroughness (2 Samuel 20:4). 2136.6 CO 2 Go. You, moon, stop in the valley of Aijalon!". You can also try a different route while coming back by adding multiple destinations. When David tried to arrange matters with them they stood upon their ancient rights, claiming life for life. 2. After the temple was instituted, the tabernacle at Gibeon went by . It was the scene of Solomon's great sacrifice after which he slept in the sanctuary and dreamed his famous dream (1 Kings 3:4; 1 Kings 9:2 2 Chronicles 1:3, 13, etc. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS RSV NIV), Nehemiah 3:7Next to them repaired Melatiah the Gibeonite, and Jadon the Meronothite, the men of Gibeon, and of Mizpah, that appertained to the throne of the governor beyond the River. (See NIV), 1 Chronicles 8:29In Gibeon there lived the father of Gibeon, Jeiel, whose wife's name was Maacah;(WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS RSV NIV), 1 Chronicles 9:35In Gibeon there lived the father of Gibeon, Jeiel, whose wife's name was Maacah:(WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS RSV NIV), 1 Chronicles 12:4and Ishmaiah the Gibeonite, a mighty man among the thirty, and over the thirty, and Jeremiah, and Jahaziel, and Johanan, and Jozabad the Gederathite,(Root in WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS RSV NIV), 1 Chronicles 14:16David did as God commanded him: and they struck the army of the Philistines from Gibeon even to Gezer. | (25) From Geba . Calories. A little way North of Teleil el-Ful, the high road bifurcates, one branch turning eastward to Jeba`, i.e. Map from Jerusalem to Gibeon. Joshua 9:3 But when the inhabitants of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done to Jericho and to Ai,. 1 Samuel 7:2 It happened, from the day that the ark abode in Kiriath Jearim, that the time was long; for it was twenty years: and all the house of Israel lamented after Yahweh. Trip Cost. (4) The site should be a sanctuary (or show signs of having been such), and be at least on a height (Gibeah, 1 Samuel 7:1 margin). Check map and driving. What is the distance between Jerusalem to Gibeon? Hosea 5:8 "Blow the cornet in Gibeah, and the trumpet in Ramah! "(WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS RSV NIV), Joshua 10:10Yahweh confused them before Israel, and he killed them with a great slaughter at Gibeon, and chased them by the way of the ascent of Beth Horon, and struck them to Azekah and to Makkedah. A softUsvista Inc. venture! When, for example, the poetic passage,. Shiloh is about 20 miles (32 km.) This battle led to a virtual truce between Judah and Israel, Judah, under David, increasing in power; and Israel, under Ish-bosheth, continually losing ground. 2 Samuel 23:29 Heleb the son of Baanah the Netophathite, Ittai the son of Ribai of Gibeah of the children of Benjamin. 1 Samuel 13:15 Samuel arose, and went from Gilgal to Gibeah of Benjamin. Its distance from Jerusalem by the main road is about 6 1/2 miles; but there is a more direct road reducing it to five miles. Average amount of gas with an average car when travelling from Jerusalem, Israel to Gibeon, Israel will be 7 gallons gallons which costs 10 $. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS RSV NIV), 2 Samuel 21:6Let seven men of his family be given up to us and we will put an end to them by hanging them before the Lord in Gibeon, on the hill of the Lord. Depending on the vehicle you choose to travel, you can calculate the amount of CO2 emissions from your vehicle and assess the environment impact. Invaded Canaan's guilty land; // hymns/hymn 21 gibeon josh 10 6.htm, Nob. Obviously he could never be content with a second place. Joshua 9:17 The children of Israel traveled and came to their cities on the third day. Here were exposed the bodies of the seven sons of Saul, slain by David's orders, to appease the Gibeonites, furnishing the occasion for Rizpah's pathetic vigil (2 Samuel 21:1).

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