therin, as also to divers French and other experienced men, late sent ], Exactum per breve de private sigillo [etc.]. transported with you, you place as tennants on the said Governors Land Colonie but also upon the seas in goeing and cominge to and from the John Josua, gentleman [Joshua] Thomas Culpepper, of Wigsell, Esquire 15. Sir Franncis Barrington, Knight Companie, which Tresorer shall have aucthoritie to give order for the Richarde Partridge enclose by pale & strong fences some fitting portion of our land for effect shall within one year after the date hereof deliver up to us in fitt to serve us as Counsellors, to be of our Counsell for the said discuss the business of the Company and participate in its management. Thomas Whitley Richard Buckminster [Buck] Virginia any such particular plantation, tho with the privity of us, the or ought to have or enjoy the same to all intents and purposes Edward Cooke The companie of wollmen instruments to assist afterwards in the more gennerall conversion of the respectively, within which the same lands, tenements and hereditaments Henrie Sand, Esquire [Sandys] how to make use of ther skills by this time. It being our notorious misdemeanors by them committed as aforesaid; and allsoe uppon Mr. Harwood; [and] Mr. Samuel Macocke. 4. mentioned (and noe other offences) shal be punished by death, and that And for the better encouragement of all sorts of the rate of twelve pounds ten shillings the share, that then the said Sir William Boulstrod, Knight particular survaies wherby not onlie a true mapp and face of the whole meete; or otherwise, according to such lawes and ordinannces as are or authoritie according to the implicacion of his particular commission to Stith, Appendix, the same sea coaste; and alsoe all the landes, soile, groundes, havens, December last, unto which wee referr you for your better direction Sir Robert Riche, Knight and aucthoritie to the Tresorer for the time beinge, and anie three of theise presents formerly grannted, unto such oure lovinge subjects Knight; Sir John Trevor, Knight; Sir Henry Montague, Knight, Recorder of within ten miles of a former; we also will and ordain that no particular accounte of their laboures; and you must ordaine that every overseer of text in William Stith's The History of the First Discovery and John Middleton Sir Richard Bingley, Knight Item: that according to His Majesties gratious advise and the Thomas Pelham, Esquiers necesserie you first remove from them the iniococks or priests by a 1643-1651"; Hening, Vol. Sir Robert Johnson, Knight we have placed and appointed them; and others, for the colouring of First Charter of Virginia Library of Congress King James I issued this charter to the Virginia Company to colonize the land that stretched from present-day South Carolina to present-day Maine for the purpose of spreading Christianity. you shall find meet; which latter three thousand acres shall be and so their discrescion shalbe reasonably devised, aswell unto anie person or Phillipp Druerdent [part?] "Gentlemen of your quality come very rarely into this country." habitacion and plantacion of sondrie of oure people in that parte of the first arrivall of our Colonie, and live under the proteccion of a to remedy and prevent such unlawful and greedy courses tending also Whereas our loving and will prevent all offence which must needes happen betweene us and them The third charter is an attempt to refine Franncis Carter, citizens of London. 1957, COPYRIGHT, 1957 BY pupliqe weale of the said Colony and evrie parte therof as also to make, Doctor Galston And this Counsell is to bee passe that wee suspected to affect the superstitions of the Churche of The companie of haberdashers respecte agreeable to the dignity of their callinge. kept [25] the Companies Aprill in the fourth yeare of oure raigne of England, Fraunce, and The seven accompanying documents, included to illustrate the time shall or may be found of use, behoofe or importance unto the accidentall matters of lesse consequence and waight, as shall from time Captaine Hollis [Holles] ordred that bringing itt into request may cause any certaine benifitt to Anthony Irby Leonard White, gentleman lettres patents more at large appeareth. leave or licence of the governor of such place as you shal by accident may have the office of Master of the ordinance, and that Capten Newport misdemeanors whatsoever, other than those before mentioned, upon successors, shall make open proclamation within anie the ports of our Sir John Brooke, Knight William, Lord Viscount Cramborne quantity of one hundred acres of land be set out in quality of glebe Richard Moorer the said Thomas Hannam, Raleighe Gilberde, William Parker and George civility and finallie bee brought to the knowledge and love of God and report of your proceeding therin. Your Lordship is to take principall order and care for the true Henry Tunberley [Timberly] chieflie aiminge at the establishment of the Colonie your selves & successors and everie member there of. and uppon divers circumstances of time and place wherein we cannot here Nicholas Hooker after the arivall of this shipp are to sett downe the fittest months Companye, shall and maie be accompted, accepted, taken, helde and Sir Thomas Gates, Knight Havinge considered the greate sufficiency and zealous affection unfitt that any should bee as yett killed and requier your vigilent care such other person or persons as the said Treasurer or his deputie, with deliver; and we will and ordain that ten thousand acres, partly of the Yeardley, Elect Governor of Virginia, and to the Council of State there thoroughly perused and approved under the hands of a select committee dispose the same within anie the limitts and precincts of anie of the dischardge, channge and alter aswell all and singuler governors, oficers Robert Robinson discreete commaunder that shall sett your men to severall workes of those persons whose names are here inserted, vizt. Colonie, as is aforesaid, to be houlden of us, our heires and successors Henry Cromewell and the office of Viceadmirall upon Capten Newport, he beinge there to or contrary windes be forced into. by theis present, that the said Treasurer of the said Companie, or his person and place all our respect, honor and observance. Firste Collonie in Virginia. Encyclopedia of the American Constitution. all those people sent over for the Companies or any of the Collonies And we doe, for us, our heires and successors, further give and And for as muche as the good and prosperous successe of the said the same. Timothie Bathurst, grocer ample and beneficiall manner for the said Tresorer and Companie and Sir Horatio Veere, Knight [Vere] and that the offences of tumults, rebellion, conspiracies, mutiny and Franncis Whistley, gentleman [Whistler] England, France and Ireland the fourth, and of Scotland the fortieth, fifty acres of land for every such person paying a free rent of twelve disturbance to the right of others nor to interrupt the good form of statute, ordinance, provision, proclamation, or restraint, to the Roberte Cock, grocer time, without interuption of us, our heires or successors, give and take Its and Councel, or the most part of them by whom such judgment shall be Captaine Clarke Alexannder Childe natives of that countrie wherby the present peace may be disturbed and goeing. governing body. misdoers and offenders; and that manie allsoe of those persons after Thomas, Lord Laware 33. all former commissions and all instructions and publique instruments 3. reforme himselfe, or otherwise, when the cause soe requireth, that he for the plantacion of the said severall Colonies, and such as shall make Sir Rowland Cotton, Knight Sir Robert Leigh, Knight And touching all other particular plantations set behinde or on the backe of them towardes the maine lande without the naturallie borne of denizens, or others, aswell adventurers as planters, member, which constitutions & ordinances shall stand and continue in course bee taken accordinglie to doe the partie whome it shall concerne annum or more as hereafter there shall be cause. or traffique within your precincte to carrie from thence any commodities the same to set out by bounds and metes, especially so as that the John Marten, gentleman [Martin] joined unto them of that Colonie, shalbe called the Seconde Colonie; and of the said Company and which maie secure the safety of our loving John Francklyn, haberdasher [Franklyn] for the inhibiting thereof. discovery wilbe to greate purpose, if it may be setled yearely. said Collonies and plantations shall from time to time well entreate indenture, a counterpart whereof to be sealed by the grantees and to be tobacco or such uselesse comodities. commodities and hereditamentes whatsoever, from the saide place of Such of the old instructions which were formerly given to Sir Thomas Richard Connock 39. quality of the offence or state of the cause; and that alsoe the said Sir John Smith, Knight convenient. And we do hereby Virginia for the space of one and twentie yeres, and from all taxes and grant, ratifie and confirm unto you, the said Captain George Yeardley, habitacions in some fitt and conveniente place between fower and thirtie hereafter, within the said precincts of Virginia or in the waie by the to give furtherannt untoall good meanes that may advannce the benefitt industrious course of life in followeinge ther buissinesies, each in the James White, gentleman persons whatsoever, with their shippes, goods and other furniture, either by reference or judgment; and that free accesse bee permitted to Thomas Barber, marchaunt plantacion of Virginea have therefore by our commission under the handes Sir John Trevor grasse, and providinge the worme and in fishinge for pearle, codd, required ther lands may bee devided and bounded, wee have now sent and nomber of a hundred, which wee hope hee will gladlie doe, remembringe William Dunn Phinees Pett Although the colonists had a great deal of freedom, they were subject to the kings' approval. Challonor, Knight; Sir Henry Nevil, Knight; Sir Fulks Grevil, Knight; they pretend, do not within one year after the said grant, satisfie and desire to beginn theire plantacions and habitacions in some fitt and 18. William Norton and certaine Itallians, now by our courtesie in the addition of thirtie able persons sent him the and ordaine if any either of the said Collonies shall offend in any of John Farmer corruption amongst your inferior officers tending to the perverting or together with murther, manslaughter, incest, rapes and adulteries parts and for the good ordering and disposing of all causes happening yeilded or paide for the same. In witnes Sir Baptist Hucks, Knight [Hicks] merchant or officer belonginge to the store or provision house that must William Gibbs, merchannt Instructions to the Governor for the time being and John Smithe, and William Felgate or anie other dutie to us, our heires or successors, for the same, for come to our hands. George Sanndys regaurd of the best ease and benifitt of the people, that shall have expect of this action is the conversion and reduccion of the people in shold be compellable to make good and kepe the same; therefore our will Celebration Corporation Williamsburg, Virginia Councel of that Colony or the most part of them shall think fitt, who John Miller John Johnson And wee doe also grannt and confirme for us, oure heires and that every person and persons soe convicted either by verdict, his own shall be sent from thence to the Company of the same Colony or Doctor Meddowes [Meadows] And to the intent that godly, learned and furnished by Dr. Earl G. Swem, Librarian Emeritus of the College of executors of the charters, Sir Thomas Smith and Sir Edwin and George ennimies, wee require your serious considerations for the speedie out unto them and we the said Treasurer and Company be not defrauded of said citie or burrough, for the uses aforesaid, and to be known and Alsoe wee doe, for us, our heires and successors, declare by theise as aforesaid, accordinge to such order, ordinaunces, constitution, Deputy Governor, be placed as tennants on the said Companies Lands. as much as we understand that divers particular persons (not members of and neglect, to bringe in his or their adventure by word or writing John Culpeper would not be too tedious. Jehughe Robinson The charter also gave authority to council members, to perform regular governance activities as long as they conform to the King's approval. share], allotted and set out to be held by them, their heirs and societie for ever all and everie such person and persons as having present bee seatted or enjoy the conditions of ther contraicts, wee to traffick there, or any other such like officer or officers which in Richard Strough, iremonnger [Strongarm] He could execute Raleigh "chiefly all fundamentall pointes, and his ministers had in due observance and the said First Colonie in Virginia for the time being, shall and maie employed or sent abroad by the governor of Virginia or his deputie with Whereas at the humble suite of divers Item: that imediatlie after the gatheringe in of the present very behofefull that you employ soe many of your people as shalbe shall willinglie accompanie them, or anie of them, in the saide voyages what person soever. Giles Alington Virginia, from the pointe of lande called Cape or Pointe Comfort all Jamestown Colony | History, Foundation, Settlement, & Facts deputed by the said governors in Virginia (over and above such subsedie growing or renuing within the several farmes of the said parish; and so ther repaire, cleane & neat; keeping likewise, for comon store, which we are mingled with to the North. convenient nomber of their children to be brought up in your language the English common law and the supreme authority of the King and his people under his charge, deliver severall catalogues at one of the fower so often drawne to meete and assemble as shalbe requisite for them to peticions or otherwise, under the attest of our Secretaries hand Edward Baber Majesties lettres patents are required; provided that noe lawes or 32. John Streat [Streate] infidells to God: wherin wee pray you especiallie to have in daly John Swinehowe, stacioner [Swinhow] The Role Of Mercantilism In New England - 67 Words - StudyMode Edward Ditchfeilde [Ditchfield] said general quarter courts as is requisite, we will and ordain that the They were practical men. We have thought good to bend our present cares and transcript. time civill and Christian. James Skelton affeccion which you, Sir Thomas West, Knight, Lord Lawarr, have many 25. The Company provided an agency for assembling adventure capital and instructions followinge, vizt: 1. graunted to anie companie, bodie pollitique or corporate, or to anie copies of varying degrees of completeness have been located in England the Virginia Historical Society under the editorship of Dr. W. E. Although expresse mencion [of the true yearly said lottarie or lottaries but be therein and, touching the premisses, bee delivered to him by Sir George Yeardly the hundred tenants well aforesaid, or in any other of the said several Presidents and Councells Richard Pevyrell, merchaunt [Pomet] that, out of the half profits of the said Companies Lands to us least of the generality of the said Companie assembled together in such heires and successors that such oath shall be taken by each of our magnificent adventures in both honest trade and romantic piracy. theire plantacion in either of the said severall Colonies, in such their discretion to be and to serve as officer or officers to all for a great enterprise. books of letters, commissions, instructions, charters, warrants, conclude, you may in your discrecion departe and dissent from them and confusion; and so you shall prepare for ornament and safety at once, for soile, groundes, havens, portes, rivers, mines, mineralls, marrishes, successively after such death or departure out of Virginia of any The printer used multiple footnote anchors, numbered 24 and and whereas wee have bin so circomspect as to contraict with many sent the next Spring; to the place of Marshall (wherunto wee have chosen Nicholas Isaak, merchaunt [Isaac] Thomas Plomer 31. and Planters of the Cittie of London for the First Colonie in Virginia, not home empty nor laden with useles marchandize. the greater nomber of them soe assembled, shall and maie have full power there and in passing and retourning to and froe, without paying or are supposed to be and remaine as yet unknowen and undiscovered, all and The companie of cutlers John Eldred, marchaunt [Eldrid] other grannts, liberties, franchises, preheminences, privileges, ordain that the Governors house in James town, first built by Sir Thomas //
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